Ownership of the website
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (commonly known as LSSI-CE), ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L informs all readers and users that the content of the domain www.tallereselpuerto.es is the responsibility of:
Cif. B04305447
Address. Puerto Pesquero, Espigón de Poniente s/n, 04002 Almería
Tel. 950 239 611
E-mail: atp@tallereselpuerto.es
Registered in the Mercantile Register of Almería, Volume 402 of Companies, Section 8, Folio 30, Page AL-11758, 9th inscription. All rights reserved
Terms and Conditions of Use
The user accesses this website voluntarily. Accessing and browsing this website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained herein. Access does not imply any type of commercial relationship between ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L, and the user of the website. The information provided on our website is intended to make it easier for users to find out about the activities and services provided by ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L. The latter reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, as many modifications, variations, deletions or cancellations in the contents and in the way they are presented as it deems necessary, either temporarily or permanently, and the user must ensure that he/she uses the updated version at all times. This power does not grant users any right to receive compensation for damages.
Users must be at least 14 years of age to be able to register on the Website. The use of any of the services offered on the Website is not permitted for minors under 14 years of age without the authorisation of their parents or legal guardians. In the event of detecting the registration of any user under 14 years of age, ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L will delete all the information provided by the user, cancelling the user’s account as soon as possible. In this sense, if you are aware of the registration of any user under 14 years of age, please let us know at the following address atp@tallereselpuerto.es
ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L offers certain services to users, subject to the terms and conditions indicated on this website, and the user must carefully read the conditions that apply to each service, which in no case will exempt, unless expressly stated otherwise, from compliance with the provisions of the Legal Notice.
ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L makes every effort to ensure that browsing through this website is carried out under the best conditions.
Exoneration of responsibilities
- Improper use
ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L is not responsible for the misuse of the contents of its website, nor for any damages arising from the access or improper use of the information on this website.
- Contents of third parties
The website may contain hypertext links to other sites on the World Wide Web, which are completely independent of this website. ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L does not accept any responsibility or guarantee, in any way, the accuracy, insufficiency or authenticity of the information supplied by any person or entity, whether natural or legal, with or without its own legal personality, through these hypertext links.
- Technological failures, external or internal
ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L is not responsible for any possible damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of the chosen system (telephone network, internet, etc.) caused by reasons beyond the control of the company. ) caused by reasons beyond its control; delays or blockages in the use of the chosen system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Centre, in the internet servers or in other electronic systems, as well as damages that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate intromissions in the chosen system, beyond the owner’s control. Likewise, ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L is exonerated from liability for any damage that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided, provided that it comes from outside sources.
ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L does not have the obligation to verify and does not verify the identity of the users, nor the veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the data that the users provide about themselves.
- Exchange or dissemination of information
ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L, declines all responsibility derived from the exchange of information between users through its web page, and the responsibility for the statements disseminated on its page corresponds to the person who makes them.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The copyright of the material contained in this website is property of ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L. Free access does not imply any other rights or licences for reproduction and/or distribution without the prior express authorisation of the owner. The brands, logos, designs, contents, programmes or similar objects that form part of this website are protected by industrial and intellectual property laws and international treaties. The unauthorised reproduction, distribution, manipulation or disassembly of the source codes, the algorithms incorporated or the databases, whether total or partial, will give rise to serious civil and criminal penalties and will be subject to any legal action that may be applicable in law.
Privacy and Data Protection Policy
The user can consult the PRIVACY POLICY and DATA PROTECTION on our website.
Use of Cookies and the activity file
This website uses cookies. Therefore, in compliance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection (hereinafter, RGPD) and the Organic Law and Guarantee of Digital Rights 3/2018 of 5 December on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD), we request your approval the first time you enter it.
The user can consult the COOKIES POLICY on our website.
Minors under 14 years of age may not use the services available through www.tallereselpuerto.es without the prior authorisation of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all acts carried out through www.tallereselpuerto.es by the minors in their charge.
Applicable Law and Competent Courts
The terms and conditions that govern this website, as well as the relationships that may arise from it, are protected by and subject to Spanish law.
For the resolution of any type of controversy, dispute or discrepancy that may arise between the user and ASTILLEROS Y TALLERES EL PUERTO S. L, due to the use of this website, the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, expressly submit themselves to the application of the Spanish Legislation, and to the courts that are competent in accordance with the applicable legislation.
www.tallereselpuerto.es. All rights reserved.
Last revised (0.0) 18 February 2022